Liquid waste is a global issue that can reek terrible health effects. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, liquid waste is any waste that can pass through a .45 micron filter at a pressure of 75 psi. Unlike solid waste, liquid waste can't be easily picked up or removed from an environment. Businesses that properly process, manage and dispose of liquid waste are able to help protect their nearby communities. Keep reading to learn more about the negative impacts of liquid waste and proper waste disposal.
1. Contaminated Drinking Water
One of the most serious impacts of poor liquid waste management is drinking water contamination. Less than one percent of the Earth's water supply is usable to humans, making it a vital resource to protect. If the chemical composition of water gets altered by being introduced to liquid waste, the drinking supply can be compromised instantly. When you expose your body to unpurified drinking water it can be filled with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Contaminated water can result in major diseases like cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis. When drinking water is contaminated the drinker's organs can be compromised. Businesses that produce liquid waste must accept the responsibility of proper liquid waste storage and disposal. Safeguarding drinking water supplies from liquid waste must remain a top priority.
2. Reduced Greenhouse Gases
When manufacturers dispose of liquid waste through incarceration, the burning produces vapors that add to greenhouse emissions. When liquid waste is ignited, the heat that rises causes mayhem in the atmosphere. Incineration is one of the most common forms of liquid waste disposal. However, when liquid waste enters the combustion chamber, it is incinerated by an 850-degree centigrade. The chemical reaction from burning liquid waste produces dangerous toxins that can go into the environment.
3. Repugnant Odors
Liquid waste, such as sewage, produces a repugnant odor. This repulsive scent will impact air quality. These lingering scents can cause nasal and sinus damage after long spans of exposure.
4. Unhygienic Irrigation Systems
If liquid waste soaks into soil or an agricultural irrigation system, an area's food supply can be compromised. When liquid waste seeps into the earth and can negatively impact the crops that are produced from that soil. Ingesting polluted food products can be harmful to people and animals.
5. Widespread Environmental Pollution
Poor liquid waste management produces a harmful impact on the environment. When liquid waste is leaked it can contaminate a water source or the ground, it can have serious ramifications on the ecosystem. The toxins found in the liquid waste can infiltrate the soil and stagnate animal and plant development.
Utilize Liquid Waste Disposal
The negative impacts of liquid waste impact nearly every sector of society. As wastewater and sewage make their way into civilian and agricultural water sources, it produces an adverse effect on the health of communities. Our team of experts has been working for over 25 years to fine-tune effective hydro-vac services. Connect with us at Alberta Liquid Waste Hauling for your liquid waste disposal.